With series of gentle but precise grips on specific areas of the body, over muscles, tendons, ligaments and subsequent pauses between these sequences, the body is given the opportunity to regulate itself. The pauses between the sequences of grips give the body enough time to properly process the impulses that have been set.
Where does Bowen therapy stimulate positive regulatory effects?
- Dysfunctions, injuries of the fascia and the musculature
- Tensions, blockages, imbalances etc.. Specifically physical - but not only.
- Circulation and lymph flow
- Tuning of the nervous system and the vegetative system
- Posture and movement patterns - for therapy or performance optimisation
- Exhaustion - harmonisation of the body's energies
- Physical and mental stress - deep recovery for body, mind and soul
The Bowen Technique is effective for people of all ages and leads to a better quality of life for everyone.
Experience has shown that medical treatment of the following typical complaints can be successfully supported by the Bowen Technique:
Back pain, sciatica, ankle congestion, knee problems, shoulder complaints, migraine, stress and tension states, menstrual irregularities, bronchitis, restricted movement in the neck, pregnancy complaints, organic complaints and much more ...