Strengthen the immune system...

Pumpkin the healthy autumn classic!

The pumpkin - our healthy autumn vegetable from the region supports you to increase your vitality and virus defence / immune system. By what or why?
  • Its flesh contains carotenes or carotinoids, which strengthen the immune system, eyesight and respiratory system;
  • Pumpkin provides the anti-stress mineral magnesium, which also strengthens the heart and circulation.
  • The iron in pumpkin flesh makes you vital, and potassium is important for the muscles.
  • Pumpkin also contains vitamin E, which is important for reducing inflammation in the body
  • It can lower elevated or excessive cholesterol levels and strengthen the entire immune system against cold

Our chef supports you in this with his dishes around the pumpkin - these must not be missing in the Erica Vital kitchen in autumn!
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